30 August 2012

Do It Yourself Primer

Ok so I'm on Pinterest and I come across this great Do It Yourself Primer from maskcara.com

Get a clean container. I used a sample jar but you could also use an old eyeshadow pot, contacts case or even a tiny zip lock bag.
Recipe/Formula (you can double or triple this based on the size of your container)
1/2    Teaspoon All Natural Chapstick
1      Teaspoon Cornstarch
1 1/2  Teaspoon  Liquid Foundation (whatever you have on hand)
Run the chapstick under warm water for a minute before you add it so it mixes easier.
Put all the ingredients in container and MIX WELL.
It should look like this:

I love this, and will be making some this weekend. I will let everyone know how this turns out..

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